Daily Routines of Famous.

Paul McCartney.

The sing Paul McCartney wakes up very early everyday. Then, he goes out to run at 7 am. After that, he takes a shower at 8 am. He dressed, later, he eats vegan breakfast. Paul's finished this and he attends the organizations than helps at the morning middle. 
Then, while he sings, Paul's dedicated to cook at noon. He eats lunch, also vegan, at 12:30 pm. At afternoon, he visits his daughters and grandchildren. After his great day, McCartney eats dinner at 8 pm.


The sing Beyoncé wakes up at 8 am everyday. She brushes her teeth and take a shower while listens differnts songs. After, she plays with her daugther or maybe she writes song with her husband. Later She eats a healthy lunch at 12 am. At 3 pm, she starts prepare for her concerts. Then, she gives the concert during more the three hours. She lies down to spleep at 2 am.

Andrey Amador.

Always, the cyclist Andrey Amador, wakes up at 3 am for the hard working rutine. After, he practices cycling during three hours. At seven o´clock, he takes a nutritious breakfast.
Later, he study during the rest morning. At the noon, he eats lunch with his girfriend and parents. Once he's finiched that, he goes back practice cycling until the night. Finally, he goes to sleep very early.